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Olympic Barbell Lifts

🏋🏽‍♀️Barbell work is worth its weight in gold 🏆

If you do not know what a Olympic lift is. It is an athletic movement done with the barbell, sometimes from the floor or lifting rack and often ending at the bottom of an overhead squat 😋

The effects of these repeated movements with increasing weight is Increased Power, Speed, Physical (maybe mental) Coordination and lean mass gain. Practicing Olympic Barbell lifts is amazing for the human body. In learning Oly movements one must develop a keen sense of the body forwards and backwards. You will refine reflexes and improve motor function. The lifts when performed properly, create a well moving and functionally sound vehicle.

I highly advise you seek a barbell sage in your area. These movements are not Youtube replicable for unexperienced lifters.

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