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Love Thy Heart

"No matter where you are on your fitness journey do not stop raising that heart rate! Cardiovascular disease knows no better friend than the American."

If you have just begun your health and fitness journey, KUDOS!

For Those of you back on the treadmill, "Keep on Keepin' on!"

Those who neglect the physical potential of their beautiful machine may end up leaving the game sooner than they wish.

CD occurs with Poor diet, smoking (cigarettes), Lack of cardiovascular exercise and even excessive drinking.

Drinking alcohol causes high blood pressure, stressing the heart and causing it to work overtime. Add in the plethora of stress and the Ol' ticker is exhausted.

BTW-Currently 30% of Americans are over 30% BF. Do you think that correlates with the current 1 in 3 odds of dieing from heart disease? I sure do. Get your Body-fat tested If you are unaware of your risk.

I do not speak softly on this subject, as around 810,000 people die yearly of heart disease in the United States.

That averages 1 in every 3 AMERICAN deaths!

Cardiovascular and Heart disease is the NUMBER ONE leading cause of death for BOTH men and women!

We are almost guaranteed to die of a heart attack. This is worrying.

Where do I start!? Diet or exercise?

Diet. Above all.

To begin, use a food log to track an average week. I like the MYNETDIARY app. You will log an average week. Not attempting to eat differently than usual. This will take honesty but, is one of the most important steps out of what I call "Carbohydrate denial". We all eat little amount of sweets here and there. Most the time trying to scarf them down before we even are aware of it. Sugar is Americas favorite drug.

Tracking food will also enlighten you to your personal daily Protein/Carb/Fat ratio. Are you eating 50% carbs, 30% protein and 20% fat wondering why you are overweight and putting no muscle on? I recommend a nice 40/30/30 protein to carb, fat ratio for those just beginning. I know, It will be difficult to reach your protein and your carbs will go wy to fast! Try it out!

Now With that new data you can now figure better wherein lies the metabolic damage.

One last thing, It is not the calorie that makes you overweight but most often the carb to exercise ratio! We are eating WAY too much energy for how little most move these days. "Burn to Earn, BABY!"

In this day and age we consume excessive breads, rice, pasta, sugary treats and drinks. Many studies show that sugar can have devastating effects on metabolism that go way beyond its calorie content. This can lead to insulin resistance, high triglycerides, increased levels of the harmful cholesterol and increased fat accumulation in the liver and abdominal cavity.

I recommend all my athletes take 30 days off all Breads, rice, pastas and grains (like oatmeal). No sugary drinks. Replace those carb sources with fruit or a complex carb like sweet potatoes. It will not be easy but the reward will be great.

Please like and comment. I will be starting a Forum here soon, as I wish to create a strong digital Tribe here. Lets reach out and help each other through this amazing journey called LIFE!

Love thy Self, My Friends.

Coach, Riley Zamora

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